Mildren Et. Al. 2018
Learning to balance on a slackline: Development of coordinated multi-joint synergies
Tags: #slackline #dynamic_balance #joint_symmetries
Related: [[A Case Study on Balance Recovery in Slacklining - Huber Kleindl 2010]] [[Balancing on Slacklines Modeling and Empirical Evaluation - Vallery Neumann 2013]] [[Improved postural control after slackline training is accompanied by reduced H-reflexes - Keller Et. Al. 2011]]
Key Definitions
- In Phase Joint Pair: The same joints on either side of the body having a roughly 0 degree relative angle
- Anti Phase Joint Pair: The same joints on either side of the body having a roughly 180 degree relative angle
Key Takeaways
- There is limited research on skilled balance control for challenging tasks
- There is little understanding of how practice influences balance control
- Most research focuses on ankle strategies which rely on ground reaction forces (see [[Balancing on Slacklines Modeling and Empirical Evaluation - Vallery Neumann 2013]]
- These strategies are available only in some circumstances, and lead research to ignore multi-segmental control.
- Experiment had participants undergo 1 week of slackline practice
- As performance increased, trunk and foot oscillations were dampened and movement coordination increasingly reached the further upper body
- This was accompanied with joint pair angles either becoming in or out of phase
- Hip angle includes movements of spine and hips and thus covers very large balance adjustments, while elbow and shoulder cover much finer balance adjustments
- With practice, there was a shift from the grosser, hip and shoulder based movement controls vs to finer, elbow based control
- They performed a principal component analysis to identify prominent movement patterns, but only on the tandem stance since the non stance leg movements were not recorded
- The prominent movement pattern identified by 'PCA' was opposing movements between left and right shoulders, right and left elbow, and the hips
- This is accompanied with the large reduction of hip velocity with practice
- Phase plots were used for scaled joint angles, showing scaled velocity vs displacement.
- Joint angles settled to either in or out of phase. Because of the lack of lags, this indicates active control rather than passive movement due to internal linkages.
- Participant's balance times significantly improved through training, and in both tandem and single leg stance training reduced trunk angular velocity and foot linear velocity.
- Training consistently dampened the 4 Hz oscillation seen at the start of trials, as well as reduced angular velocity and frequency across joints.
- There was a general reduction in movement velocity across joints during practice with the largest effect at the hips
- The slackline trained group had significant improvements on the balance beam transfer task compared to the control group
- The balance transfer and skill retention after a week indicate generalized motor learning
- This is potentially the first study showing the development of arm based studies to compensate for a situation where lower body synergies are ineffective
- Prior research ([[Improved postural control after slackline training is accompanied by reduced H-reflexes - Keller Et. Al. 2011]]) indicated the ~4 Hz tremor may be due to stretch reflex oscillations. But this study showed that the oscillations disappear faster than that study showed the gain of of H reflexes decreasing.
- These authors propose it could be due to the development of internal representations of the consequence of body movements while on the slackline.
- Very limited amount of skill - only one week of practice
- Movement of the leg off the line was not recorded (!)
- This limits the degrees of freedom of the model
- Misses counter balancing strategies found in Federholf Et Al
- Balance trials at the beginning of learning were significantly shorter than those at the end