Koolen Et Al. 2012
Capturability-based analysis and control of legged locomotion, Part 1: Theory and application to three simple gait models
Tags: #inverted_pendulum #n-step_capturability #robotics #locomotion #control #dynamic_balance
Related: [[Extrapolated COM - Hof 2007]] [[The Condition for Dynamic Stability - Hof Et Al 2005]] [[Six Determinants and Inverted Pendulum - Kuo 2007]]
Key Definitions
N-Step Capturability: the ability of a legged system to come to a stop without falling by taking N or fewer steps
N-Step Capture Region: Set of points to which a legged system in a given state can step to become (N-1)-step capturable
N-Step Capturability Margin: the size of the N-step capture region
N-Step Viability Basin: The set of all capturable states
Viability Kernel: The set of all states from which failed states can be avoided
Captured: The system has come to a stop
Gait sensitivity Norm: the sensitivity of a given gait measure, such as step time, to a given disturbance type, such as a step-down in terrain, using a simulated model or experimental data.
Key Takeaways
- Main goal is to avoid a fall - refigured for computational simplicity in order ensure ability to come to a stop in a given number of steps
- application of goal is computationally tractable controller design
- effectively quantifying closeness to falling is a known problem
- Create simple models that can serve as approximations for control of legged locomotion - models based on inverted pendulum
- with simple point foot
- with finite sized foor capable of exerting pressure
- with finite sized foot and reaction mass capable of exerting hip torque (lunging)
- The ability to perform rapid steps is most important to remain capturable.
- The instantaneous capture point moves on the line through the point foot and itself, away from the point foot, at a velocity proportional to its distance from the point foot.
- Attempts to quantify human locomotion having more capturable states than legged robot locomotion
- Hypothesis that nearly all human legged locomotion takes place in a 3-step viable capture basin
- Hypothesis that all 3D bipedal robot locomotion demonstrated to date likely falls in a 2-step viable capture basin
- Above hypotheses are unargued
- Models are highly simplified
- Vertical displacement of COM ignored
- Internal forces of leg dynamics ignored
- Slippage of foot was ignored
- Double support phase was excluded
- Complex terrain was ignored
- Chaotic dynamics may lead to uncomputable capturability